JQL Search

Swift Checklist offers JQL Search functionality. Presently, you have the ability to search for issues based on checklist state and item assignee.

Checklist state searches

The checklist state is determined by aggregating the states of all checklist items. For instance,





Checklist was never added to the issue


Checklist has no items


Checklist has items, but non of them are checked


At least item is checked and at least one item is unchecked


All items are checked


Examples of Checklist State Searches

swiftChecklistProgressState = null

Search for Jira issues where the checklist was never added.


swiftChecklistProgressState = empty

Search for all Jira issues where the checklist was added but has no items.


swiftChecklistProgressState = not_started

Search for all Jira issues where the checklist has items but none of them are checked.


Search for all Jira issues where the checklist has at least one checked and at least one unchecked item.


Search for all Jira issues where the checklist has all items checked.


Perform the same searches as above but using the issue property instead of the JQL alias.

Checklist assignee searches

You can search for issues that have unchecked checklist items assigned to some user.

Examples of Checklist Assignee Searches

Search for all Jira issues where the checklist has unchecked items assigned to the current user.


Search for all Jira issues where the checklist has unchecked items assigned to the selected user.


Search for all Jira issues where the checklist has unchecked items assigned to any user.